CO2 Fractional Laser Treatments

Introducing ReviVa, the industry’s leader and Gold-Standard in cutting-edge laser technology

What is Resurfacing?

The term “resurfacing” is used to describe removing or damaging the top layer of skin so the body will heal and generate a new layer of skin. Skin resurfacing in the past consisted of removing the entire epidermis. This created a lengthy recovery time with much discomfort. Fractional resurfacing ablates only controlled precise portions of the epidermis as opposed to the entire epidermis. This results in less discomfort and quicker recovery time. Patients receive the benefits without the prolonged down time.

Benefits of Resurfacing

  • Reduction of deep lines and wrinkles

  • Reverse sun damage

  • Lessen appearance of scarring

  • Correct skin tone balance

ReviVa CO2 Fractional Laser Pricing

Face, Single Treatment $1,200

3-series $3,000 (only $1000 each)

Eye Lift, Single Treatment $600

3-series $1200 (only $400 each)

Neck, Single Treatment $800

3-series $1800 (only $600 each)

Decollate, Single Treatment $1,000

3-series $2,400 (only $800 each)

We also offer scar revision and superficial acne scarring treatments for teens struggling with levels 3 and 4 acne. This is a non-ablative treatment with only 3-4 days of downtime. We recommend a 3-treatment series for best results.

Face, Non-Ablative Single Treatment- $800

3-Series- $1800 (Only $600 each)

Please book a consultation as scars vary in size and degrees of trauma. 720-630-7790.

Who is a Good Candidate for Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing?

  • Aged Skin: Wrinkles, sun damage, crepe skin, crows feet, uneven pigmentation, or loose skin

  • Scars: From acne or trauma

What to Expect

A topical anesthetic will be applied for comfort prior to the procedure. Your provider will use a precise and controlled laser beam of light. The outer layer of skin will be vaporized, thus removing years of aged and damaged skin. Your body’s natural healing process will begin replacing the old damaged cells with new, younger, healthy cells. The result is younger, healthy looking skin along with increased collagen production. Collagen production will continue for the next 6-9 months.


Following fractional laser resurfacing, healing takes approximately 1 week as new and healthy skin cells appear. We send you home with detailed aftercare instructions and numerous products to help you through the healing process.

HERE is the aftercare information for CO2 Fractional Laser.

CO2 Laser FAQs