Acne Treatments

We’ve dedicated an entire page to anti-acne treatments because it has become so prevalent here in Colorado, now more than ever. Contributing to these breakouts is dry climate, pollution, hormones, clogged pores and of course…wearing masks. Masks, while effective in protecting yourself and others during a global pandemic, unfortunately can also be a breeding ground for bacteria causing endless breakouts and even cystic acne. “Mask-ne” is the result of clogged pores because masks impose heat, friction and occlusion on the skin and when combined with a moist environment from breathing, talking or sweating, they’re a recipe for chronic breakouts. The frustration and even agony I’ve witnessed in so many clients is at a level I’ve never seen in my 15 years as an esthetician. If you or a loved one is dealing with persistent breakouts, you are not alone and even more comforting is to understand that there is hope.

All of the anti-acne treatments we offer include 7 steps for clearer, healthier, beautifully-radiant skin. These 7 steps are outlined below and are offered in all Levels I, II and III with intensity based on age and degrees of severity of acne and superficial bruising and/or scarring.

  • Cleanse (purify, clarify and detoxify)

  • Exfoliate

  • Clean Pores/Professional Extractions

  • Smooth Out Texture/Micro-needling

  • Rid The Skin Of Redness And Discoloration From Blemishes

  • Kill Bacteria with Blue LED

  • Calm and Hydrate

Level 1

The Little Diva, or Little GQ- for teens with mild to moderate acne breakouts. Little discomfort. Pink skin for 2-3 hours and little to no-downtime.

The Little Diva, or Little GQ

30 min $150

3-series ($125 each) $375

Level 2

The Deep Pore Cleanse- ages 20 and older for a literal deep-pore-detoxifying cleanse with extractions, including lancing and extracting milia (those white hard pimples that never go away and you can’t extract on your own). Mud masque.

The Deep Pore Cleanse

1 hour $175

3-series ($150 each) $450

Level 3

The Anti-Acne Package- for teens and adults. This is for persistent breakouts, meaning you never have clear skin and there is always some form of acne on your face or chest. This is also for those with Grade 3 acne. Grade 3 (moderate- severe, or nodulocystic acne): numerous papules and pustules, along with occasionally inflamed nodules. Your back may also be affected.

This package consists of 6-30min treatments (three 2-series) done 3 weeks apart. Each treatment includes all 7 steps mentioned above, but are more targeted and more aggressive with some downtime including slight redness and mild flaking or peeling for 1-3 days. This has been our most popular and most successful anti-acne plan and we highly recommend it. Each treatment sold individually is typically $150 each. Sold as a “package” the price of each treatment is discounted to $100 each, a savings of $300.

Anti-Acne Package

Six, 30 minute treatments, $600

  • 2 Hydra-facial (exfoliation)

  • 2 Anti-acne facials (extractions)

  • 2 Dermapen (texture and color correction)

Level 4

Jessner Peels- for Grade 4 acne (severe nodulocystic acne): numerous large, painful and inflamed pustules and nodules. Get a handle on it at this stage or scarring is inevitable. This peel is stronger, yet non-invasive and the most popular peel in the industry due to its efficacy and amazing results. A Jessner’s peel is a combination of salicylic acid, resorcinol, and lactic acid. Salicylic acid dissolves hardened skin cells within the epidermal layer of skin, lactic acid adds hydration, and resorcinol is used due to its natural antiseptic properties. The peeling process will take several days to complete its course. Generally 4-6 layers will result in a medium/deep peel and 7-8 layers can result in a deep peel. The distinct blend of acids work in synergy to combat superficial acne scars, hyperpigmentation, sun damage and rough texture to reveal vibrant glowing skin. Downtime 5-7 days. (This can also be done at the end of the Anti-Acne Package).

Jessner Peel

Single Treatment – 30 minutes, $200

3-series ($150 each) $450

Level 5

We offer scar revision and superficial acne scarring treatments for teens struggling with levels 3 and 4 acne. This is a non-ablative treatment with only 3-4 days of downtime. We recommend a 3-treatment series for best results.

Face, Non-Ablative Single Treatment- $800

3-Series- $1500 (Only $500 each)

Why Acne Is Prevalent In Colorado

“My son washes his face every night. Why is he still breaking out?”

“What is the best type of mask to wear and how often should I change it out?

“Why do I have acne at age 40?”

All great questions. So what causes acne and why is it so common in Colorado?

We live in an extremely dry climate and this can cause our cells to become dehydrated. Dead, dry cells build up and clog our pores which causes mild to severe acne. The lack of moisture can also force our sebaceous glands, (our oil producing glands) to over-produce oil which is another leading cause of breakouts. The cold and dryness that comes with cold temperatures can cause inflammation, which is one of the main pathogenic factors for acne formation and the reason we see more breakouts in the winter time.

  • Washing face morning and night is crucial, but so is moisturizing and re-hydrating our skin. Instinctually we want to “dry-out” a comedone and more often than not that can lead to worse skin conditions and more severe acne.You have to moisturize and hydrate your skin, even when you have active breakouts.

  • Exfoliating is extremely important so we don’t build up layers of dead skin which prevents cleansers and moisturizers from penetrating and doing their job effectively. Removing dead skin cells DAILY is an important factor in raising the efficacy of our products and continuing to force more rapid cellular renewal.

  • Masks: While cloth masks can make “masking” a little more fun, fashionable and display our personal style, they are ineffective in protecting yourself and others and are absolutely horrible for your skin. Think of it as a filthy, moist filter that’s been collecting bacteria all day and you’re basically burying your face in it. Sound disgusting? It is. Wear a disposable mask and change it out multiples times a day if you are wearing it for long periods of time; especially if you are speaking frequently.

  • Wipe down your phone! Keep anti-bacterial wipes in your car, at your desk or in your purse and wipe down that cell phone. We put our phones on public counter tops, desks at work, tables at restaurants, public bathrooms and drop them in our purses. Phones are filthy…wipe them down.

  • Change out your pillowcase! Keep extra pillowcases in your nightstand drawer. All of that hair product gets absorbed into our pillowcases and our faces lay in it.

  • Drink lots of water

  • Wash your make-up brushes

  • Quit touching your face

  • Watch your sugar intake

  • Wash your hands often!

Make a commitment to an at-home skincare regimen and follow these guidelines. Research our Anti-acne Treatments Page to find the level and treatment that is right for you. If you would like an in-person consult, please don’t hesitate to call our spa and schedule a complimentary consultation. Don’t hide, avoid mirrors, or cover up your face anymore. We have have helped so many people who felt the same way you do… and we can help you too.